Iron Kids!

This is a photo of the people who participated in the Taupo iron kids
Arihia, Neveda, Brittinay, Caleb view of lake Taupo.

We meet at school early in the morning getting ready to leave to Taupo for the Iron kids Triathlon. We put the bikes on the bike rack and jump into the car, were off! I'm so.. Excited and cant wait.while we were off to Taupo we watch wild child a movie on the portable DVD player.
We finally arrive Wohoo! we grab the bikes and or gear and head down to the station to register.
We got a bag with lots of cool freebies in it like a swimming cap some lollies and vouchers.First we start off with the swim the waters freezing. We have to swim 200m, i get out of the water and my legs feel like jelly.I run to my bike get ready chuck my shoes on and other gears I'm riding away in lala land and then i finally realize wheres Arihia oops. So i slowed down abit until she caught up to me. Then we carry away with the bike ride. It was so funny me and arihia were trying to race the cars that were going by.When we had officially finished the bike ride next comes the run ohhhh. the run wasn't that long. there it is the finish line YAAY! Finally my legs feel dead. At the end we were rewarded with a chocolate bar a medal and a certificate. i feel so proud i had finally finished and now i can go home. But i had a really fun day!